thankful october mummyonmymind
Alhumdulillah Series

Things I said Alhumdulillah for in October 2018…

Alhumdulillah means “All Praise is due to God” and are the words uttered by a Muslim when he/she is expressing gratitude to Allah. I find myself saying this numerous times a day and this post is a collection of moments when I have said Alhumdulillah during the past month.

Things I said Alhumdulillah for in October:

1. Picking up Master Z from school. Though he’s very tight lipped about what he got up to during the few hours he is away from me, being reunited with him is a great feeling… only to have him push one of my nerves an hour or so later of course! Haha! But that’s just how parenting rolls!

2. School routines. As much as a drastic change this has brought into our lives, it means we value weekends and time spent together all the more. You know what they say about not knowing what you have until you loose it. Having said that, is it time for school holidays yet?

3. Enjoying afternoon tea at Taj Dubai and reminiscing about our stay at Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai, India, a couple of years ago.

4. Watching Little Z stand, steady himself for a minute and then fall a thousand times, but never giving up. How is that little mischief maker 9 months old already?!

5. Tucking into a box of Jalebi. My sweet tooth can never get enough of it!

6. Seeing on of my best friends from the UK and catching up where we left off during her holiday visit to Dubai. The remaining besties need to plan a trip here soon too!! Are you listening, ladies??

7. Master Z going off on his first ever school trip, to Mattel Playtown no less!

8. The return of Doctor Who, and salivating every time I watch TGBBO (The Great British Bake Off!)

9. Planning for the future. Next year may bring some drastic changes in our lives, for the better, and planning for it is half the excitement!

10. Finally getting round to collating my list of essential products for post-partum and the newborn phase. Have you read it yet?

11. I love that my latest #MummyOnMyMindDoodle has you all nodding, squirming and laughing! See it here.

These are just a few of the many times I uttered the words Alhumdulillah this month. Check out what I was thankful for last month here. Also, here’s a list of what I was thankful for in October last year! What are you thankful for? Feel free to share your moments in the comments section below!

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