Alhumdulillah Series

Things I said Alhumdulillah for in February 2016…

alhumdulillah february

Alhumdulillah means “All Praise is due to God” and are the words uttered by a Muslim when he/she is expressing gratitude to Allah. I find myself saying this numerous times a day and this post is a collection of moments when I have said Alhumdulillah during the past month. 

Things I said Alhumdulillah for in February:

  1. This month started off with us in Saudi Arabia and completing our Umrah. Alhumdulillah for the opportunity and experience. You can read more about my reflections here, and about Baby Z’s encounters here.
  2. Getting used to Baby Z FINALLY starting to call me Mummy!
  3. Reaching 1000 followers on Instagram! Thank you fellow Instagrammers for the love and support!
  4. For the last few days of Dubai winter breeze before the scorching heat sets in…The temperatures have already begun rising!
  5. To making new friends at weddings, and getting to see a newly wedded couple that are sooo in love. Oh and getting to wear gorgeous clothes to celebrate it all! Hehe!
  6. Finally moving into our new home!! Yipee! The excitement is too real!
  7. Long fruitful discussions (mostly about home interiors) and laughter with Mr Z, the husband.
  8. Reconnecting with best friends over the silliest of things, even though we are miles away from each other.
  9. Getting through another set of vaccinations for Baby Z! Thankfully, the next ones are when he is aged 5! YAY!
  10. When Mr Z treats myself and Baby Z to the “best beef shawarma in town” after the horrible affair of vaccinations!
  11. Seeing this blog grow and being part of mummy blogger groups where we can share our stories and support each other.
  12. Those moments when Baby Z cracks the most hideously funny looking smile and in turn makes me forget what a mischief he has been all day…after which I proceed to squish him and give him a zillion kisses.

These are just a few of the many times I uttered the words Alhumdulillah this month. Check out what I was thankful for last month here. What are you thankful for? Feel free to share your moments in the comments section below! 


February 29, 2016 at 4:07 pm

It’s great to look back on things to be grateful for. This is a good exercise!

March 2, 2016 at 8:23 pm

I do love this practice of giving thanks throughout the day. What a simple way to stay grounded, grateful and connected to your spirituality

March 3, 2016 at 3:07 pm

It’s a nice to practice to look back at the things even how little it may be, that we should be thankful for.

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February 24, 2016