
The Blogging Interview with Mummy On My Mind…

I was tagged by the lovely Nicole, from Domesticated Goddess, in a post about finding out more about the wonders of why and how bloggers blog. I love a question and answer post, and I don’t think I have really spoken about why I blog on here, so this is a good opportunity as any! Thanks Nicole for the tag and the opportunity to answer questions about blogging.

So without further ado, here are my answers!.

How did you get into blogging?

A few months after Baby Z was born, I was finding myself wanting to have a creative output of some sort because although being a mother was terribly fulfilling, I also wanted to bring back my “pre-motherhood” self, in a way which I loved, which was by writing. I wanted to shout, laugh, chatter and cry about all my experiences so far, and there is only so much a sleep deprived husband can take of your babbling! During the long night feeds, I discovered the wonderful blogging community and decided to design a blog of my own. It was, and still is, very much a way of documenting my journey of motherhood, with all its glorious ups and heartbreaking downs. I had run a previous blog about Architecture a few years ago for a while so I was fairly acquainted with WordPress already, and thought it would be quite easy to get another one up and running. Boy, was I wrong! Blogging as Mummy On My Mind taught me so much and I am only just getting started. I still have so much to learn and blog about, but I am so excited for the journey ahead!

What advice would you give to another blogger starting out?

Do not get caught up in statistics, because it will simply ruin your blogging. Blog because you want to. Blog because you love to write. Write, write and write to your heart’s content.

How has your blog changed since you started writing it?

Though my blog is still fairly new, I would probably say that it has changed from being very much about parenting to also branching out to different parts of my life, for example sharing what I and Baby Z wear (though I am no fashionista) and experiences as an expat living in Dubai.

What would be your dream campaign?

The mature Zeyna in me would probably say something that is parenting related and makes my baby boy happy, but I would secretly be happiest with a campaign related to chocolate or desserts, or any yummy food type in general! I would endorse the life out of that!

What advice would you give to PR’s wanting to approach you for a campaign?

Be clear about exactly what you would like so that we can be as honest and helpful to each other, without any kind of misunderstandings. Since Mummy On My Mind is the reward of my sweet labour, I would not want to advertise anything that I do not believe in myself.

Do you have a plan for you blog?

Apart from World Domination? I would love for this blog to reach all corners of the world, and be able to share my experiences with all sorts of people in the world. I am hoping to go self-hosted before the end of this year and just carry on blogging as passionately about everything I love.

What do you think about rankings?

I have to admit I did let it get to me, and though I still keep an eye on them, I am not as frazzled by them as I was before. I realised that looking at my rankings did nothing for the quality of content for my blog. I simply had to carry on doing what I love, which was write and share my thoughts and experiences. As soon as I realised this, my blog was all the better for it!

Thank you for reading, especially to my regular readers who never fail to offer support and kind words. I hope all my readers can continue showing me their love as I carry on writing about all that I love and have passion for.

I will now pass on the torch of blog love to the following wonderful blogs. If you are not tagged and want to join in please feel free to do so.

Never Trust a Jellyfish

Baby Brain Memoirs

Crazy Grad Mama

Perhaps yes, Perhaps no. Exactly, I don’t know.

Chanel Mama

Emirati Mama

I look forward to reading you answers!


August 12, 2015 at 5:35 pm

Loved your answers was so fun reading them and getting to know more about you. Thanks for participating. Keep up the great work with your blog! I love Dubai by the way I traveled there about 7 years ago such a neat place.

    August 12, 2015 at 5:52 pm

    Thanks a lot! Glad you enjoyed the read! Dubai really is a great place! 7 years is a long time though, I’m sure plenty has changed since then… Perhaps it’s time you make another visit soon!

August 12, 2015 at 7:18 pm

Hi Zeyna, Thanks for the tag to one interesting interview 🙂 I enjoyed reading your answers and I look forward to sharing. I will post a post tomorrow as I better rush to bed now before baby AZ wakes up for his first midnight wake.

August 14, 2015 at 8:42 am

“Blog because you want to…Blog because you love to write” – yes this! These are the blogs that I enjoy reading, the genuine ones.

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August 10, 2015