little z birth story mummyonmymins
Little Z / Mummy Life / Parenting Milestones

The Birth Story of Little Z…

In the early morning of 3rd January 2018 at 2:30 am, I woke up with a dull back pain. I thought nothing of it at first, as I was due on the 11th January, and master Z was born at full term, a day after his due date, that too after being induced.

But when a few minutes later, the pain returned, I sat up in bed because something about this pain was familiar. I went through a couple more of these contractions and then nudged my husband to let him know that I think it might be time. I timed the intervals between each contraction, which were about 3-4 minutes apart, and a trip to the toilet confirmed that I was in fact in labour.

My husband, mother in law and myself drove to the hospital, thankfully through empty roads, and as we parked in the Emergency entrance at 3:00 am, I got another contraction. They were getting rather strong but I was still breathing through them. I was whisked off in a wheelchair to the Labour Delivery Ward after confirming my details, and all the staff around me sprung into action.

I was checked by an on call doctor and told I was approximately 4-5 cm dilated already. “What?!” I said in shock. This was rather a pleasant surprise as my first labour was about 12 hours long, and I was already worn out by the time I was 3 cm.

Little Z, however, was in a mad rush to get out. I was put on the CTG monitor which showed the contractions coming in thick and fast, and my delivery doctor was notified to come in. I must say, although the contractions were painful, they didn’t seem to be as bad as I remember the first time. I even managed to snack on a sandwich and orange juice amid the early contractions. Mr Z was by my side through out, in charge of rubbing my back as soon as a contraction came. He was rather soft handed at first, which was making no difference at all, so after threatening him through gritted teeth, he upped his pressure to exactly what I required. Regardless of what my face expressions conveyed during contractions, I was so happy to have him there since he wasn’t allowed in to the labour room with our first born. It made such a big difference for him as well as myself to experience this momentous time together.

Just before 7 am, Master Z arrived, along with my sister, brother in law and niece. After a quick wave and exchange of smiles, the doctor arrived, as if just in time, because the contractions began to get pretty unbearable. I was 9 cm dilated and ready to pop.

Although I didn’t take the epidural, I did ask for some Gas & Air to numb the excruciating pain. However, the doctors suggested I could do without it, and though at the time I wasn’t happy about it, I am so glad I didn’t take it. With Master Z’s delivery, I relied highly on Gas & Air, but I don’t think I was taking it at the right time, and therefore I was in a heavy cloudy daze for the final stages of labour. This time however, I was fully aware of everything around me, and even had my glasses on, which meant I saw, experienced and felt every tiny bit of giving birth. (I even remember the sound of the iphone camera as my husband took a photo of me mid-push and the angry glare I met him with. Like seriously, you take a photo of me NOW?!) As painful as labour was at the time, it is indeed such a liberating experience that I can not put into words.

After about 4 to 5 pushes, Little Z was born at 7:42 am. I didn’t get to hold him right away, but after delivering my placenta and in the process of me not cooperating whilst getting stitched up after having an episiotomy, Little Z was put on top of me to ensure I wouldn’t move. Their trick worked, as I was completely hypnotised by the small little being in front of me that Allah had blessed us with. His little face was so perfect. My husband was by my side, telling me what an amazing job I had done, and I couldn’t wait for Master Z to meet the little one.

After some time, I was taken to our hospital room, and we introduced Little Z to Master Z and my niece, Azmu. They were both so excited to see such tiny hands and feet.

As I look back at the entire labour experience second time round, I can honestly say it could not have gone better. There were no complications, Alhumdulillah, and it was pretty quick too seeing as the entire thing took about 6 hours. I think what truly made the difference though was the staff and doctors at hand. The Arab on site doctor stayed with me during the whole labour, and even past her duty time. Her calmness translated to me when I needed it most. My own doctor gave me strength and the staff were incredibily kind and thoughtful, going out of their way to ensure I was as comfortable as possible. I stayed in the hospital for two nights, and it was the best decision in terms of establishing breastfeeding too, as I was seen by lactation experts, something that I struggled with tremendously the first time. Having my husband by my side and witness one of God’s miracles was also a big positive, and I think we were both so much calmer and confident this time round, having done it once before.

Returning home on Friday 5th January, our family of four felt complete. Roll on Motherhood, Part 2!

If you haven’t been following my journey, feel free to have a read through my trimester experiences during my first pregnancy with Master Z as linked below:

BFP Story

First Trimester

Second Trimester

Third Trimester

Birth Story

As well as that of my second pregnancy with Little Z:

Pregnancy Announcement

First Trimester

Second Trimester

Third Trimester

Birth Story

How did your labours differ in each of your pregnancies? Please feel free to share your own labour and pregnancy experiences in the comments section below.


January 20, 2018 at 9:37 am

This is so sweet to read! With my first I did so much gas and air that I was dazed too…but with my second I controlled on it and felt much better!

January 3, 2019 at 1:20 pm

This story sounds so similar to mine.. I was due on 20th January but my doctor was planning to induce me on 8th jan saying I won’t get pain because I have gestational diabetics.. but on 1st jan 2018 at 5:15 am I got my first contraction.. as it was my first time I didn’t understand.. I stayed calm for sometime n again I got more contractions.. 2-3 mins apart..n my water broke.. we rushed to hospital at 6.. luckily early morning no traffic. We reached hospital at 6:40.. from sharjah to dubai😁 I cudnt stand so they took me to labor room directly in wheel chair n on call doctor examined me n said I m 10cm dilates n ready to push.. I was in so much shock.. they didn’t have the time to call my delivery doctor also as it was New Years.. they tried giving me air n has but nothing seems to work and I was already for pushing.. finally my baby decided to come out at 7:54am. Just 3 hours pain n process.. thank god 😍. But our babies were born just 2 days apart 😊😊

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January 21, 2018